Odaberite željenu masažu

Choose the desired massage

Tradicionalna tajlandska masaža

Traditional Thai massage

Terapijska masaža stara više od 2500 godina, koja povezuje akupresurnu tehniku s ayurvedom i pasivnom jogom, ponekad zvanom joga za lijene. Uklanja napetost mišića i zglobova i jača ih istovremeno. Ovom masažom riješite se bolova u glavi, leđima, vratu, nogama i poboljšava limfni i krvožilni sustav.
Therapeutic massage is more than 2500 years old, which combines acupressure technique with ayurveda and passive yoga, sometimes called lazy yoga. It removes tension in muscles and joints and strengthens them at the same time. This massage gets rid of pain in the head, back, neck, legs and improves the lymphatic and vascular system.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Tradicionalna tajlandska masaža u paru

Traditional Thai massage for couples

Terapijska masaža stara više od 2500 godina, koja povezuje akupresurnu tehniku s ayurvedom i pasivnom jogom, ponekad zvanom joga za lijene. Uklanja napetost mišića i zglobova i jača ih istovremeno. Ovom masažom riješite se bolova u glavi, leđima, vratu, nogama i poboljšava limfni i krvožilni sustav.
Therapeutic massage is more than 2500 years old, which combines acupressure technique with ayurveda and passive yoga, sometimes called lazy yoga. It removes tension in muscles and joints and strengthens them at the same time. This massage gets rid of pain in the head, back, neck, legs and improves the lymphatic and vascular system.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Uljna masaža i aromaterapija

Oil massage and aromatherapy

Opuštajuća tajlandska masaža odabranim aromatičnim uljima. Povezuje tehnike akupresure i ayurvedsku filozofiju masaže. Ojačava imunološki i živčani sustav. Tajlandska masaža uljem uklanja toksine, pojačava tonus kože i donosi duboko opuštanje.
Relaxing Thai massage with selected aromatic oils. It combines acupressure techniques and the Ayurvedic philosophy of massage. Strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Thai oil massage removes toxins, enhances skin tone and brings deep relaxation.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Uljna masaža, piling tijela i aromaterapija

Oil massage, body scrub and aromatherapy

Opuštajuća tajlandska masaža odabranim aromatičnim uljima. Povezuje tehnike akupresure i ayurvedsku filozofiju masaže. Ojačava imunološki i živčani sustav. Tajlandska masaža uljem uklanja toksine, pojačava tonus kože i donosi duboko opuštanje.
Relaxing Thai massage with selected aromatic oils. It combines acupressure techniques and the Ayurvedic philosophy of massage. Strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Thai oil massage removes toxins, enhances skin tone and brings deep relaxation.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.




Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Uljna masaža i aromaterapija u paru

Oil massage and aromatherapy for couples

Opuštajuća tajlandska masaža odabranim aromatičnim uljima. Povezuje tehnike akupresure i ayurvedsku filozofiju masaže. Ojačava imunološki i živčani sustav. Tajlandska masaža uljem uklanja toksine, pojačava tonus kože i donosi duboko opuštanje.
Relaxing Thai massage with selected aromatic oils. It combines acupressure techniques and the Ayurvedic philosophy of massage. Strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Thai oil massage removes toxins, enhances skin tone and brings deep relaxation.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Tajlandska masaža vrućim biljnim kompresama

Thai massage with hot herbal compresses

Komprese su pamučne vrećice koje sadrže mješavinu odabranih trava. Zagrijavaju se na pari i imaju blagotvoran učinak na ljudsko tijelo. Biljni oblozi zagrijavaju se prije masaže kako bi se izdvojila esencijalna ulja. Ova masaža ima snažan, opuštajući učinak, uklanja bol i poboljšava metabolizam.
Compresses are cotton bags that contain a mixture of selected herbs. They heat up on steam and have a beneficial effect on the human body. Herbal compresses are warmed before the massage to separate the essential oils. This massage has a strong, relaxing effect, removes pain and improves metabolism.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.




Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Masaža glave, lica, vrata, ramena i leđa

Head, face, neck, shoulder and back massage

Unatoč fokusiranju na gornje dijelove tijela, kao što su leđa, ramena, vrat i glava, maserka također masira druge dijelove tijela kako bi održala energetsku ravnotežu. Tijekom masaže koristi biljni balzam koji poboljšava prirodni napredak u ozdravljenju. Masaža uklanja kroničnu i posttraumatsku bol iz različitih dijelova kralježnice, a pomaže i kod migrene.
Despite focusing on the upper body parts such as the back, shoulders, neck and head, the masseuse also massages other body parts to maintain energy balance. During the massage, he uses an herbal balm that improves the natural progress in healing. Massage removes chronic and post-traumatic pain from various parts of the spine, and also helps with migraines.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Masaža stopala - refleksologija

Foot massage - reflexology

Intenzivna masaža koja uključuje dno i vrh stopala, nožnih prstiju, gležnjeva, tetiva i koljena. Zahvaljujući pritisku na određene točke na nogama, masaža pomaže u detoksikaciji, poboljšava san i uklanja osjećaj "umornih nogu". Pomaže i kod procesa probave te stabilizacije hormonskog i živčanog sustava.
Intensive massage that includes the bottom and top of the feet, toes, ankles, tendons and knees. Thanks to the pressure on certain points on the legs, the massage helps detoxify, improves sleep and removes the feeling of "tired legs". It also helps with the process of digestion and stabilization of the hormonal and nervous systems.

Uz odabranu masažu od 60 minuta moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. Uz odabranu masažu od 60 minuta moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja.




Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Hot-stone masaža (masaža vrućim vulkanskim kamenjem)

Hot-stone massage (hot volcanic stone massage)

Tijekom masaže vrućim kamenom, glatko, ravno i grijano kamenje postavlja se na određene dijelove vašeg tijela. Kamenje je obično izrađeno od bazalta, vrste vulkanske stijene koja zadržava toplinu. Prema zdravstvenim službama Sveučilišta u New Hampshireu, vruće kamenje za masažu zagrijava se na temperaturu između 130 i 145 stupnjeva.
During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat and heated stones are placed on certain parts of your body. The stones are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. According to New Hampshire University Health Services, hot massage stones are heated to a temperature between 130 and 145 degrees.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.




Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Masaža za mršavljenje

Weight loss massage

Usredotočuje se na dijelove tijela kojima je potrebno mršavljenje, ali masiraju se i drugi dijelovi tijela. Masaža smanjuje masno tkivo i pomaže u smanjenju celulita.
It focuses on the parts of the body that need weight loss, but other parts of the body are also massaged. Massage reduces adipose tissue and helps reduce cellulite.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.

Paket 7 anticelulitnih masaža za mršavljenje i oblikovanje tijela 60 min (iskoristivost 2 mjeseca) - 400€ Package of 7 anti-cellulite massages for weight loss and body shaping 60 min (usability 2 months) - 400€
Paket 7 anticelulitnih masaža za mršavljenje i oblikovanje tijela 60 min (iskoristivost 2 mjeseca) + sauna 15 minuta - 540€ Package of 7 anti-cellulite massages for weight loss and body shaping 60 min (usability 2 months) + sauna 15 minutes - 540€





Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Četveroručna Tajlandska uljna masaža

Four-handed Thai oil massage

Uklanja napetost mišića i zglobova, istovremeno ih jačajući, što oslobađa od boli. Potiče limfni i krvožilni sustav. U ovoj masaži koriste se biljna ulja koja pomažu u prirodnom oporavku i procesu ozdravljenja.
It removes tension in muscles and joints, at the same time strengthening them, which relieves pain. Stimulates the lymphatic and vascular system. This massage uses vegetable oils that help in the natural recovery and healing process.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.




Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€

Masaža za atlete

Massage for athletes

Tajlandska masaža za atlete skraćuje vrijeme regeneracije nakon intenzivnog napora i poboljšava fizički oblik u svakodnevnom vježbanju. Uklanja iscrpljenost, smanjuje vjerojatnost kontuzije i pomaže u bržem oporavku snage, opušta istegnute i ukočene mišiće, umanjuje bol uzrokovanu vježbom.
Thai massage for athletes shortens the regeneration time after intense effort and improves physical shape in daily exercise. Eliminates exhaustion, reduces the likelihood of contusion and helps in faster recovery of strength, relaxes stretched and stiff muscles, reduces pain caused by exercise.

Uz odabranu masažu moguće je i korištenje saune u trajanju od 15 min. Opustite se uz mirise eteričnih ulja. With the selected massage, it is possible to use the sauna for 15 minutes. Relax with the scents of essential oils.






Odaberite vrijeme trajanja masaže(min):

Select the duration of the massage (min):

vrijeme korištenja saune (min) 15 - 20€

sauna usage time (min) 15 - 20€



SPA PAKET 180' - 4 osobe, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Opuštanje uz pjenušac, čaj, voće i kekse) - 360€ SPA PACKAGE 180' - 4 people, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Relaxation with champagne, tea, fruit and biscuits) - 360€
THAI PAKET 180' - 4 osobe, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Opuštanje uz pjenušac, čaj, voće i kekse) - 360€ THAI PACKAGE 180' - 4 people, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Relaxation with champagne, tea, fruit and biscuits) - 360€
SPA i THAI PAKET 180' - 2 osobe, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Opuštanje uz pjenušac, čaj, voće i kekse) - 360€ SPA and THAI PACKAGE 180' - 2 people, 4x60 Thai + SAUNA (Relaxation with champagne, tea, fruit and biscuits) - 360€
SPA, THAI + Reflex 210', 4x60 + 2x30 + SAUNA (Opuštanje uz pjenušac, čaj, voće i kekse) - 400€ SPA, THAI + Reflex 210', 4x60 + 2x30 + SAUNA (Relaxation with champagne, tea, fruit and biscuits) - 400€